Thursday, May 20, 2010

Personality & Learning Styles (Quizzes, and Other Things Like That)

In our Social Studies class at school, we have been finding out out learning style and personality type. I think it's extremely enjoyable, because normally Social Studies is my most boring class.
Tuesday, we found out our learning styles using the V.A.R.K (Visual Auditory Read/Write Kynesthetic) method. I was a read/write learner. Everyone in the class except for my friend and me was Multi-Modal, which means they can learn in more than one way. Unfortunately, both my Friend and I have very strong preferences for our learning style of choice (she was visual, if you were wondering.) So basically we're stupid if we can't have what we want. Lovely.
Yesterday, we found out our personalty type using the Gregorc method. People are either Concrete Sequential, Concrete Random, Abstract Sequential, and Abstract Random. Concrete means that you think in the physical state. Abstract means that you are able to think beyond what is in front of your eyes. Sequential means you have an order to your thinking, and Random is where there is no order to your thought process. I am Abstract Sequential, and the traits I read about it fit pretty well. It also says that I don't like people who are random, and when I asked the people by whom I am annoyed what they were, they were all Randoms. I agree with Mr. Gregorc.
I think it's pretty exciting to find out these things I didn't know about myself, but they're not always true.
Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, kids.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Romeo & Juliet

I am beginning to question whether or not I speak English. I speak American, yes, but English? I'm not quite sure.
In my English class, we are reading Romeo & Juliet. If there is anyone who somehow doesn't know what that is, here you are: William Shakespeare wrote this play a long, long time ago (in a Galaxy far away). It is about two people (Romeo &Juliet) who fall in love, and end up dieing (along with most of the other character) in the end. It's a tragedy. Now, because Shakespeare wrote it in the 1500's, it is in very old English. Very old English indeed. Now, back then, a sign of a good writer was one who was able to write with a beat. I also believe that to be a good writer, you needed to be able to put an unnecessary amount of words into the dialogue. Some of the words mean very different things than they do know, and I have a very hard time understanding what is written on the page in front of me.
It's actually sort of a funny story. I know what you're thinking How is it funny, the lovers die in the end? I am aware that they both take their own lives in the end, but that is not why I find it slightly comical. The whole story takes place in less that a week. Romeo & Juliet meet, fall in love, get married, try to run off together, and kill themselves all in around four days. Did I mention that they aren't even fourteen? It's slight unbelievable, but an interesting story none the less.
Also, in addition to Rome & Juliet dieing, their cousins, friends, and random other people have to go down with them. Oh, Romeo, why did you have to sneak into that party and meet Juliet? His disobedience caused himself (and probably half of his and Juliet's family) to die. And Romeo didn't even go to the party to meet Juliet, he went to See the girl he was in love with before he met Juliet. In our present day slang, we would call him a 'player'. He's only thirteen!
I also learned that Shakespeare didn't actually come up with the story, he was just the first one to think of writing it down. It was a sort of folk-tale before he made it into a play. I was unaware of that. It wasn't made very clear to me previously. Shakespeare should have written that somewhere.
So, while I think it is an interesting story, I am bothered by the fact that there are so many problems with the story.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hello, my cyber friends!
I have not made a post for quite some time, because, as I said, I was in New Hampshire on a hike. Never fear, I have returned with something to write about. Now grab your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show.
My topic for today is nicknames. Although I always sign my blogs "~Isabella" my name is really Isabel. Therefore, I am not usually called Bella. I was one summer at a tennis camp, and I felt really awkward whenever someone said my name. Bella didn't really fit me. Although I didn't like Bella, it comes no where near my hatred for "Izzy". Some people call me that, and try as I might to get whomever does it to stop, I am unsuccessful. I have never liked being called "Izzy", but when I was younger, I let it slide, thinking eventually it would un-stick. Regretfully, I was wrong. Most of my closest friends have never called me "Izzy", it has always been the girls I didn't really like i the first place. I have made it very clear that I dislike Izzy, and the boys have had no problems listening, it's the girls that don't seem to understand my wishes.
Some people have really terrible names, and really nice nicknames. I heard yesterday that Roger Federer's wife's real nime is Miraslava, but she goes my Mirka. Miralsava is just a painful,painful name. No one deserves that. No one, I say. And then there are the people with names that are really nice, but give themselves bad nicknames. Katherine, for instance, is a nice name, but I really don't like Katie. My least favorite type of nicknames are the ones that don't make sence. John to Jack. Robert to Bob. William to Bill. The list goes on. I don't understand. How does Bob come out of Robert? Why not just keep it as Rob. It's the same thing as Bill, what's wrong with Will?
People these days, I just don't understand.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hikes and Knees

So in this post, I shall be blogging about two separate things that will connect in the end. This being said, do not be confused by the sudden change in topic. All will reveal itself in due time.
Tomorrow, my grade is going on a hiking trip at Pinkam Notch. We are staying for two night, and doing an all day hike on Thursday. The other two days we are doing other mountain/nature related activities. One night we even get to go on a night hike! Hiking in the makes the hike oh so much better. I actually really enjoy hiking, unlike some people in my class, and so I've been looking forward to this trip for awhile.
To my extreme annoyance, my school does not force all students to come on the trip. I think that this is a problem. One boy isn't coming because he doesn't like our grade. One girl isn't coming because she...she has no reason. She just doesn't want to hike and be away from home. Another girl isn't joining us because she doesn't like nature. DOESN'T LIKE NATURE? That is ridiculous. I believe that everyone should be required to come unless they have a legitiment reason not too. A medical problem, for example. Last year, we went to Cape Cod, where there are many ticks. One girls didn't come because she has a severe case of Lymes disease, and if she got a bite, she would become seriously ill. I scoffed at this, and thought that no one was going to get a bite. I was wrong, however. As it turned out, I was the student who was viciously attacked.
In the beginning, I wrote "we" many times. I will explain why this was not entirely accurate. Yesterday, I was sitting in English class, when I decided to adjust the position of my knee under my desk. Turns out this was not a very good idea. My patella (knee cap) does not track properly, and by just slightly moving my knee, I dislocated my patella. I waved it off, not realizing what I had done. luckily my patella found its way back onto the track, but it was very aggravated that I played tennis for an hour and a half yesterday. It was really painful to walk, and so today I went to the doctor (where they told me what had happened), and was given a brace. Not just any brace, oh no. That wouldn't do. They had to give me THE ugliest brace ever. It starts at my upper thigh, and goes down until maybe three inches above my ankle. Not to mention the fact that it is gray, with six black straps around it. The worst part is that it prevents me from moving my knee completely.
So, this means I will not be hiking tomorrow. Why couldn't my knee have waited until next week to protest against me? Alas, it was yesterday, two day before the hike. But I am not a quitter. No, I shall be accompanying my class to New Hampshire. Though I will not be doing any hiking (not even the night hike, which, as I said, I was very excited for), I will prove to those who opted to stay home that they are babies, and I am strong like bull.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why The Internet Is Ruining Our Lives

It has recently come to my attention that people are reading less and less. I have noticed that as I've grown older, most of my friends have stopped reading, or only read books when necessary (for school). There is only one explanation (in my mind) for this: The Internet. Yes, my friends, that is what I believe is the cause for all the reading related problems. People find ways to spend hours on the computer while accomplishing nothing. Whilst reading, a person can learn quite a bit. Even the books that seem simple and easily readable will have at least one thing new to tell you. Unfortunately, I can not say that about all websites. Some websites are informative, sure, but others are so pointless it makes me wonder why they even exist. I am aware that I often talk about facebook in a negative manner, but it has at least one pupose that I can think of. While facebook is a very good time waster it also helps you to connect with friends you can't talk to easily another way.
There are also very good websites. My favorite thing in the whole world is Google. Google is also my least favorite thing. Google is very convinient for school projects and things like that, but it also creates an easier way for people to find thing to waste their time doing. Another website that I find is extremely helpful (but does not, that I can find, have anything to waste time doing on) is Bibme. It is an online bibliography creator. All you have to do is type in the name of the book/website and it puts it in bibliograpy format! It's all very exciting, and it REALLY saves time on projects.
Now, because all I ever blog about is the internet, high schools, and facebook, I will add high school into this to have three-in-one! The internet is also really helpful for finding out about schools. All of the schools have websites, and tell about the school. It's good to be prepared. Like a boy-scout!
So there you have it, my opinion (again) of the internet.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I always mean to write the title after I write the post, but I always forget!
Bad Isabella :(
I learned something quite ridiculous today. Something quite ridiculous indeed. So ridiculous, that I feel the need to blog about it. As the whole world knows, there are quite a few people who are completely in love with Twilight. If you were not aware of this, then I suggest you pay more attention to the behavior of people. So, as I was saying, manymanymany people seem to believe Twilight is the most important thing in their lives. I, however, disagree. I admit to having read it, and seen the movies, but I have not, and will continue to refuse to sink to the level of the Twilight fans who cover their rooms in posters. But they don't stop there, Oh no, they would never. They take it to the next level by going to see the movie premieres at midnight. That is just ridiculous. Who would stay up until 3 AM to see the premiere? Not me. To really prove to other Twilight lovers that you are a TRUE fan, you must join a fan club, or better yet, create one. The, with your group, you can make signs and watch the movie over and over and over again. FUN! To take it one step farther, you can travel across the country to go to an autograph signing. Who wouldn't want to wait in line for hours to get an autograph?! But here is where the ridiculous part I was originally talking about comes in. The top two baby boy names are Cullen and Edward. Who would name their child Cullen? I mean, it's the characters SURname, not given name. So that, my friends, is how to let the whole world know that you are unhealthily obsessed with Twilight.
Good Day to you all.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I am about to write an extremely long blogpost. Oh, and I don't know what I'm going to write about yet. So this should be fun. Recently, I have been slacking on my duties as a blogger. I have been posting short, infrequent, and uninteresting things. So I will try, at this time, to entertain you.
First, as you may have noticed, some of my most recent blogs have been about High Schools. I am aware that they are not very interesting to others, but it is something I want to (and need to) write about. I apologize to those who find it boring to read.
Secondly, this post will also be about High Schools, though slightly different than the others. Hopefully, it will be more interesting and enlightening than the others. I am merging my post about facebook and High Schools together. This is where the actual story/piece begins. Enjoy.
It has recently come to my attention that facebook is a very bad thing. A very bad thing indeed. Not only is it very likely to bring down you're grades, but it also gives High Schools and Colleges reasons not to accept you. First off, people can write anything that they want on your page. Sure, you can delete it, but how can you know who has already seen it. Then there are the fan pages. They are just stupid, and completely pointless. Some actually have some substance, and do some good to the world by raising awareness on matters hidden in the shadows. Others, however, are completely pointless and unflattering. It's best to not become a fan of something "unladylike" because facebook is an extremely public place. This leads me to my next point: Stalking. Now I am being completely serious. If you list what school you go to, random people can search your name and find out where you live. That is not good. Not good, I say. How does any of this have to relate to High Schools? Well, I shall tell you. Schools can stalk you, too. They can search your name, and see anything unflattering that you, or anyone else, has posted on your page.
So how to avoid this? It's simple, really. Do not put anything you wouldn't want your Grandmother to see on your page, and chances are, the schools won't think it's bad either.
I should be one of the "Dear Abby," people for the newspaper. I give such excellent advice. It's easier said than done, though. I must listen to my own advice (which I have been trying very hard to do) because it will take me far.
And with that, I bid you adue. (I don't take french, so that's probably not spelled correctly.)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Apologize for the Lack of Titles

I have been forgetting to add titles to my blogs. I am aware, and I apologize.
As I have said in recent blog posts, I am beginning to think about High Schools. Therefore, I am thinking about ways to make myself "shine". This means that I need to up my game. In everything. I need to get outstanding grades. I need to take on more extra-curricular activities. I need to be perfect. So, my dear friends, I will tell you what I plan to do. I will study harder than I already do. I have already been working very hard in school, I'm only saying I need not be just good, I must be perfect.) I am so passionate about my perfect grades, that homework no longer bothers me. Yesterday, I spent an hour-and-a-half studying for my math quiz without realizing it, because I wasn't thinking Gahh, I'm bored! I was thinking I need to do well on this. I will not snark my responsibilities of homework, because I'm on it. I'm hitting it hard.
As for extra-curricular activities, that doesn't come so clear to me. Out of school, I play tennis. In school, I play soccer(badly), and basketball. I am looking to do some community service. (Thus, the community service post.) So I will find something interesting to do that will make me "sparkle".

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Community Service

I am going to write a blog today. I do not yet know what it will be about, but I'm not going to let that bother me. Eureka! I have thought of what I should write about. I'm going to do a community service project. I do not yet know what I will do. So if anyone who reads this has a good idea, please comment and tell me. I have previously worked at food banks and soup kitchens, but i want to do something BIGGER. Do you like how i made bigger bigger? I did. So like i said, comment if you have any ideas (not that I have any followers so no one will comment), please tell me, and I will take it into consideration.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hello dear friends on the internet!
So, as I have said in some other blogs, I am unwilling to reveal my location, therefore, in this blog, instead of calling the school what it is really called, it we be known as "Lake", because it is on a lake.
So today, my parents made me go to an admissions workshop at Lake. In the morning, I really didn't want to go. In my mind, it was a complete waste of my Saturday. Most people don't start thinking about High School until Eighth grade. Luckily (or unluckily), I have an older brother who already went through this. So my parents knew what I had to do. Unfortunately for me, that means they know it's good to get started early. When I arrived at the science center, there were two boys from my class, and one from where I play tennis. I guess this made me realize that I'm not the only one who has to do this(even thought there were probably more than 100 people there. First there were some people from the admissions office who talked, and then there was a student panel. All of the people who talked said that once they got onto the campus, they had a gut-feeling that Lake was where they wanted to be. So I thought to myself, Isabella, you'll never know if you want to be here if you don't get a better attitude. So I picked up my spirits, and went along with what everyone was saying.
After we listened to the talks in the auditorium, we got to go on a tour. And then I realized, I can definitely imagine myself being here.
That is all.