Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And So The Fancy Has Struck Me...

...And when the inspiration calls, one can do nothing but answer. As it is night time, I will let it slide that it is summer and I am on the computer. And this post is similar to many others that i already have...about Computers (and the internet), Gaming Consoles, and the lack of Real, Hard Books.
So I have been trying to spend less time on the computer and more time enjoying the world outside. This was easier than I had expected. At first, there was the primary shock, but with time, it faded. Now I am used to enjoying the outdoors, and I am glad that I pushed myself (harder than I had previously done) to leave the cyber world behind. This is my first blog of the summer, and it feels weird.
My brother, however, has not. He spends countless hours everyday on his Xbox in our basement. The poor boy is at a loss.
During the schol year, I went on the computer each night before retiring. This summer I have been reading instead. But because I always read, it hasn't been a very large change. Whatever.
On another note:
My brother got his learners permit today, and when we were coming home from the orthodontist, my dad let him drive. WITH ME IN THE CAR! I had vehemently stated several times that I refused to get in the car with Nigel behind the wheel, but apparently I was misunderstood. I was defenseless, because I could hardly walk home on the highway, so I was inclined to let him drive me. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. I am mentally and physically scarred from this traumatic experience.


  1. Aha! We know your brother's name!

  2. 1. i did write it there so yes, you do
    2. who is 'we'?
