Monday, June 14, 2010

School (Or Should I Say Summer, When It Is Hot, Like Leonardo DiCaprio)

School is almost over! Yippe! Hooray! Two more days!
It is a very exciting time of year, this mid July-ness. Mid July-ness is nice. Very nice. You know what would make it nicer? Late July-ness,when there is no school. That would be nice.
Shall I tell you a story?
Once Upon A Time, I was in English class. And our teacher gave us postcards and stamps to send to her this summer. Hmm...Interesting? I think so.
New topic:
In school, we recently finished reading Romeo & Juliet. I actually didn't think it was so bad, and the Shakepearean English became easier to read. We also watched the movie. My thoughts? Leonardo DiCaprio is hot.
That is all.


  1. Leo D is a frickin' GOD!
    By the way, we need to hang out again soon.

  2. Yes, we do?
    I put a question mark ther by accident, but I'm going to leave it there.
    I am cool.
    So call me sometime because if we just say it on my blog here, we never will.
