Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who are you again?

Hello, friends.
I'm feeling extremely awkward writing this right now--why was I never fazed by the fact that i was talking to no one before? So, you're all (a.k.a. no one) probably confused because, in theory,I stopped blogging already. So what am I doing now? Well, for one, I am finalizing my decision to stop blogging. Or rather, I am un-finalizing it. Meaning I am NOT going to stop blogging forever and I am not abandoning this blog. My post may or may not continue to be scattered scarcely, just as they are now, but I will still be writing here occasionally. So...ya. I will be talking to you again in the near/distant future. BTdubbs, I officially have an Internet stalker-ish. An "anonymous" person commented on several of my pots saying thing like: we know you live in Massachusetts! We know you went on vacation and where you went! We know your brothers name!...mischievous, right?
Until we speak again,
I am cordially yours (especially you, dear stalker),

1 comment:

  1. Dear Isabella,
    If indeed your are as you claim "just a thirteen-year-old girl who has an obsession with Harry Potter", should you not post your comments on the latest movie . . . assuming, of course, that you, as your unhealthy obsession would require, saw the FIRST showing!! I am assuming that you will like it, but not as much as the book.
